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שיעורי תורה - הרצאות - דרשות להורדה
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Moztei Shabat Balak, 5770, Hashem´s honor - Parashat Balak, Tzadikim, Breslev, Rabbi Nachman, Hapyness, Bilam, Respect our Rabbies, Running away from the honor, The Gaon from Vilna
Moztei Shabat Balak, 5770, Hashem´s honor
views: 965 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 1th Tammuz 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Weekly Parasha - Shelach Lecha, Sunday night 5770, Maginei hador - The generation´s defenders. - Parshat Shlach Lecha, Defenders, Generation, Our Rabbies, Tzadikim, Rabbi Nachman, Breslev, Torah, Chassidut, Happyness
Weekly Parasha - Shelach Lecha, Sunday night 5770, Maginei hador - The generation´s defenders.
views: 1004 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 11th Sivan 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - After shabat parashat bamidbar, To love rabbi nachman of breslov, 2010. - rabbi nachman of breslov, parashat bamidbar, breslev
After shabat parashat bamidbar, To love rabbi nachman of breslov, 2010.
views: 912 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 26th Iyar 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Thursday night parashat shmini, hitkarvut la´tzadik, 2010. - parashat shmini, tzadik, faith, strenght, torah, breslev, rabbi nachman of breslev, the tzadik advises
Thursday night parashat shmini, hitkarvut la´tzadik, 2010.
views: 959 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 22th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Weekly Parasha - Shoftim, Monday Noon 5770, The Specialness of the Tzadik - Parashat Shoftim, The Tzadik, Rabbi Nachman, Breslev, Fixing, Rabbi Yehoshua from Ostroba, The importance of coming to see the Tzadik,
Weekly Parasha - Shoftim, Monday Noon 5770, The Specialness of the Tzadik
views: 996 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Tuesday night parashat bamidbar 2008 - to see ourselves with the tzadik. - parshat bamidbar, tzadik, see, breslev, rabbi nachman from breslov
Tuesday night parashat bamidbar 2008 - to see ourselves with the tzadik.
views: 748 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
 downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Weekly Parasha - Behar Wendesday Night 5768, New ideas from the Parasha - Parashat Behar, Tzedaka, Rabbi Nachman, Likutei Halachot, the seventh year in a seven-year cycle
Weekly Parasha - Behar Wendesday Night 5768, New ideas from the Parasha
views: 783 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - "Because I hardened his heart". Parshat Bo, Sunday night 5767. - Heart, Parashat Bo, Pharaoh, Gemara, The path of truth, Rabbi Chaninah, Rabbi Nachman, Rabbi Zusha, Story
"Because I hardened his heart". Parshat Bo, Sunday night 5767.
views: 988 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 20th Adar 1th 5771
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - 2 Min Breslev - Vayera : Friday B ´75 - Parashat Vayera, Vorts, Two Minutes of Breslev, Rabbi Yossef Shubeli, Weekly Parasha, Breslov, Rabbi Nachman, Rabbi Natan
2 Min Breslev - Vayera : Friday B ´75
views: 467 | Before 10 Years | Uploaded on: 14th Cheshvan 5775
downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - 2 Min Breslev - Vayera : Friday ´75 - Parashat Vayera, Vorts, Two Minutes of Breslev, Rabbi Yossef Shubeli, Weekly Parasha, Breslov, Rabbi Nachman, Rabbi Natan
2 Min Breslev - Vayera : Friday ´75
views: 464 | Before 10 Years | Uploaded on: 14th Cheshvan 5775
downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures

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